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🐧ASI Late Night Study Event (December 5, 2023)

📋 It was the start of December and finals were finally upon us students. No one ever feels ready for them after Thanksgiving break, which really isn't a break at all. At the beginning of December, you can feel the energy in the air shift on campus. The tension rises along with the wind chill of the snowy Big Bear mountains. Pressure is high and deadlines are looming. To help, ASI hosted their Club Penguin themed Late Night Study event on Dec. 5. My motivation for the event wasn't the cool finals prep event they set up though. I wanted to write an article on the event for one of my classes.

It really was two birds and one stone though. I really needed to get out of door and away from all my projects! I needed to see my friends May and David! They are also journalism and public relation students at CSUF. They help me a lot with managing my workload too. They motivate me to be a better student with the work they do! I wanted to hang out with them and also work on my final exam article for one of my classes. I really enjoyed myself that night while also getting my quotes and photos for the event! We got mocha lattes from the little Kasama Coffee Collective cart they had. We got to eat free pizza from this really good pizza place in Fullerton. I got to relax a little bit while also being subconsiously remotivated to study again.

It was a good evening to not only learn more about the behind-the-scenes of ASI event planning but also just enjoy my friends in our second to last week of the year together. We are all heading back to our different hometowns far away from each other during break and won't get to see each other much. This event was really good for letting long distance friends hang out and study together before the huge stress that is fall finals week. David and I got some of our homework done while May got to talk to all of her friends that decided to come to the event as well. It was a good last social event to end off the semester besides my work holiday parties.

My last piece of advice for transfer students this semester is to enjoy the campus chaos. Life is always busy and it is so easy to miss what is right in front of you at CSUF while you are here. It is so easy to focus on assignments but you have to remember that you aren't going to be in college forever. Take the time to enjoy your current situation of being on campus for most of the day. There are so many opportunities and events to explore to take your mind off the school. Enjoy being a student at CSUF while you are a student! I know I won't look back at my time at CSUF after graduating and regret anything I did because I have tried so much! I am enjoying college while I am in it and get to love all the new sides of me that I can explore through it. Go Titans! 🐘💙🧡


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My name is Jessica Collins and I am a senior at Cal State Fullerton. My blog is help incoming transfer students learn more about what it is like to go to CSUF as a current transfer student.

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